Synthesis 2- Outlining The End

It feels strange to call this piece -outlining the end, I had immense fun working on this project and meeting all the people I did. Being true to my approach this far, I worked on Synthesis 2 using 'making with technology'. Through the course of this paper, I have engaged in varied forms of making to present my ideas. I feel sad to let this process end, but I am super excited that I have arrived at a new question/ problem to start thinking about!

To outline the end of  Problems as Projects I followed three steps - 

Step 1
I used the findings from Synthesis Version-1 and analyzed it through the lens of 'Understanding'. I read Understanding by Design - Grant Wiggins & Jay Tighe to lead me through this process. Each time I located ideas in the readings which corroborated with Synthesis 1, I made a note, annotated the ideas, and supported the reading with examples from my findings. 

Step 2 
I applied the 6 Facets of Understanding to the space of Making. Based on my interactions and findings I listed experiences in Making that displayed the 6 Facets of Understanding 

Both Step1 and Step2 proved that making was indeed a place of understanding (deep learning, which is applicable and transferable). I also found answers to the question I set out asking which were - 

a) Are the core emotions experienced during making felt across contexts? 
b) Is making for everyone?
c) Do we feel more when we make?

All the Makers I had spoken to had displayed the ability to move their knowledge and skill into new situations and were constantly problem- solving. It is with this action that Making moved to the realm of Cognition and Understanding. I would now confidently say that everyone should experience Making, for it is not merely artistry, but Cognition.  

However, when I located my findings in the real-world, I figured I am still confronted with a 'Wicked Problem' that will require large changes and no yield no optimal solutions. My problem continues to spill over to areas beyond my influence. 

Step 3
Once I relocated my problem as a Wicked Problem, based on my current predicament I surfaced a new question/ goal - "HOW TO ENGINEER BETTER EDUCATION." and charted out an initial set of solutions using the Systems Thinking Approach. 

Below are all the detailed texts of my process. 

Step 1- Analysing findings through the lens of 'Understanding' 

Step 2- Analysing 'Making' through 6 Facets of Understanding 

Step 3- Locating my Wicked Problem & deriving new questions.


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