At the Pottery Studio Day 3

Following two fascinating journeys using Mixed Tape: Observe, Engage

A boy of 6, who believes the clay can be anything he imagines it to be!

And, Swathi who at 37 moved from being a teacher at a school to a student of clay, and eventually went on to set up her own studio where she teaches pottery! In this video, Swathi talks about finding techniques that work for her. How she built a relationship with the material to problem solve and build her own styles and techniques. This sort of problem-solving happens due to the deep awareness that hand-making asks of the learner. In a regular classroom set up we might force a singular way, but in making there is space to dwell and arrive at what works for each person once the basics are understood.

Documentation: Video interview, Photographs, Notes
Methodology: Mixtape( Empathy). Observe, Engage


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